My Projects.

A showcase of my most interesting projects.

Bloom Book

A feature-rich mobile Android application that helps users manage their plant collections in a fun and pleasing UI. I worked alongside other SDSC students as build master, which meant performing research on best coding practices like MVVM, designing user schemas, client-side navigation, cloud functions, and managing our gitlab repository.

Track growth.

Record your plant observations with an aesthetic UI

Set Reminders.

Water schedules and tasks made easy

Capture Photos.

Use the built-in camera to identify plants

Website Redesign

ACM Artifical Intelligence

I joined UCSD's ACM AI in 2023 to help redesign their outdated web application. I worked with several developers to plan and implement our mockups into reactive components. We brought a new face and modern aesthetic to the final product that was fun and easy to use.

Video Game Development Club

An ambitious project that is still in the works. As website manager for the club, I felt that the organization needed a face lift to bring information more easily to students. I'm currently working with my friend Chase Peterson to build this using Next.js

Designed to bring news

The website comes with statically generated blog posts for optimized content delivery. We wanted this to serve as a way to keep our members updated on club